Model SW70 Solvent Recovery Machine
The Solvent Washer Model SW 70 has numerous solvent recovery equipment design features which make it safe, simple, and cost effective solvent recovery machine for a variety of users including the following:

Easy To Operate
Simply fill the tank of the solvent recovery system and press the “Start” button. The SW 70 is a vacuum-assisted unit for increased production and minimal operator involvement. Features include:
- Automatic feed feature to pump contaminated solvent into the unit
- Vaucum assist to lower boiling temperature of the solvent
- Automatic timer shutdown at end of cycle
- Distillation tank at convenient work height
- Tilt back tank lid with quick open feature
- Refrigerated condenser cooling system
- Quick disconnect for flow control valve
- Ability to gravity feed clean solvent into a 70 gallon drum
The SW 70 is a closed loop solvent ditillation system with numerous safety features for a variety of users including:
- Redundant safety features including automatic heater shutdown for excessive temperature and pressure conditions
- Stainless steel cabinet and tank
- Insulated lid
- Raised control panel with indicator lights.
The 70-gallon solvent recovery machine is an exceptional solution for those looking to reclaim contaminated solvents. This machine is useful for a wide range of industries, and businesses can use the reclaimed solvents again. Thus, it lowers the costs of traditional solvent disposal.
The machine cleans and separates up to 70 gallons of contaminated solvents in one cycle, promptly removing impurities to produce high-quality recycled solvents. This is a valuable investment for companies that use large volumes of solvents in their operations.
Furthermore, the 70-gallon solvent recovery machine offers unparalleled convenience in handling waste residue because it consolidates contaminants into a solid unit. Personnel can move waste to disposal containers and don’t have to worry about the slush or slurry commonly associated with it.
Make solvent waste recycling easier with the best solution. The Model SW70 is a game-changing tool for solvent reclaiming and waste disposal. It’s eco-friendly and cost-effective, perfect for various companies.